Friday, January 16, 2009

Crappy day and its not even noon yet.

Allow me to just say


Ok, sorry, tantrum over.

There has been a mysterious beeping throughout our house since yesterday afternoon. There was no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes it would be one short beep sometimes it would be a series of beeps lasting over a minute. We checked all the logical devices, cell phones, smoke detectors, CO detectors and nada.

We knew it had to be coming from the basement, because it was loudest down there, and I could hear is clear as a bell through the vent next to our bed. Needless to say, I didn't sleep last night. So we called someone over to take a look and it turns out there is a smoke detector hidden in the basement. There's no smoke down there, and if it was just the battery, it would only beep once, at regular time intervals. Needless to say the battery has been removed. There has been no beeping since.

This brings up another issue. I hate my basement, it is the scariest place I have ever been. Scarier than the delivery room even. It has low ceilings, which are covered in cobwebs. The stairs are short and narrow, and you have to crouch don't so you don't hit your head and there's no rail to hold on to. That and well while I was down there with the guy, a bat flew overhead, so what did I do? Drop to the floor with my hands over my head and scream.

We had a bat about 2 months ago, and when I realized what it was (it was circling the dining room, which is where I was on the computer) I screamed and ran for the bedroom, hiding under the covers until hubs managed to capture it and get it out of the house. Then like two weeks ago, we realized we had a mouse in the house. We were co-habituating until he started pooping in drawers. We set traps out Wednesday night and by Thursday morning we had caught him. Of course I couldn't go into the kitchen without looking and crying, but hubs took care of it when he got home.

Then the mystery beeping started yesterday and then once we got it to stop we have another bat. I'm seriously going crazy here. I want things to stay out of my mother flipping house! I was looking forward to winter, so we wouldn't experience bugs, but I almost prefer the occasional spider to all this crap.

I am so ready for spring it's not even funny. Last winter the worst thing we had to deal with was a leak in the roof due to the amount of snow (which we are watching for carefully). That was easy to fix. I want to be able to set up Hailey's pool outside, and and work on my flowers and I am just SO sick of snow. I like it until Christmas, and then it NEEDS TO GO.

Ok, so I know this has nothing to do with trying to conceive, and I was going to outline my pregnancy/delivery of Hailey to give you some more insight, but this just HAD to come out or I was going to pull my hair out.

Trying to stay a little bit on topic, here are today's stats.
Friday, January 16 2009
Cycle Day: 11
Temp: 97.08
Opk: -

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